The Fine Arts Department is hosting its annual Fright Night event! Come join us next Tuesday, October 29 from 6 - 8:30 for entertainment, food trucks, a silent art auction, and more in the HCHS Cafeteria! $5 at the door!
7 days ago, Shawna Evans
The HCHS Band Fruit Fundraiser is officially underway. Order forms have been placed at all Unit Desks, so be sure to check them out and write down your order today. All orders and money are due to Mr. Woods or Mr. Skipworth by November 14th.
7 days ago, Shawna Evans
Congratulations to the JV Quick Recall team for beating both Owensboro and Daviess Co. last night.
10 days ago, Shawna Evans
We want to thank the HCHS Cafeteria staff for winning the Fan Favorite award for the pumpkin decorating contest at the football game on Friday night. They competed against all other schools in the district. Thank you for representing HCHS in such an awesome way!
10 days ago, Shawna Evans
Congratulations to our Most and Best Senior Winners.
10 days ago, Shawna Evans
Best of luck tonight to our boy's soccer team as they compete in the first round of the state tournament. Tickets are on sale at and passes are not accepted. Make sure to come out and cheer the Colonels on to a victory!
11 days ago, Shawna Evans
The Unified Students and Athletes Club will meet this Wednesday morning at 7:15 in B114. New members are welcome.
11 days ago, Shawna Evans
Educators Rising permission slips are due today - see Mrs. Stovall to return your permission slip for the University of Evansville Exploring Teaching Day today!
11 days ago, Shawna Evans
There will be a Leo Club meeting this Thursday, 10/24/2024, after school in R107. Please bring a bag of candy for our upcoming service project if you are able to.
11 days ago, Shawna Evans
Leo Club members please check the Google Classroom to sign up for our service projects this month.
16 days ago, Shawna Evans
National Honors Society meeting will be Monday, October 21; 3:35 - 4:00; R212
16 days ago, Shawna Evans
The Journalism Club will meet tomorrow, Thursday, after school in G213 from 3:30-4:00.
16 days ago, Shawna Evans
Hey Colonels! The HCHS Band would love to see you in the stands at Daviess County High School this Saturday to support us as we compete in regionals. Performance time is 1:15 pm. Hope to see you there!
16 days ago, Shawna Evans
Any seniors wanting to attend the Murray State University College tour or the University of Louisville College Tour permission slips are at the green unit desk. MSU permission slips are due back on 10/15 & U of L are due back on 10/17. Late permission slips will not be accepted
18 days ago, Shawna Evans
msu ul
Varsity and JV boys basketball tryouts will be held Thursday, October 17th from 6-8 pm in the main gym at HCHS. You must have a physical on file to participate. Freshmen basketball team tryouts will be held Monday, November 4th from 6-8 pm.
29 days ago, Shawna Evans
Girls Basketball Try-out will be October 15th and 16th from 3:45-5:30 pm. You must have a valid physical to attend.
29 days ago, Shawna Evans
SENIORS: cap and gown orders are due NOW!!! Get those orders in BEFORE fall break… The link to order the cap and gown ONLY is in Google Classroom Class of 2025. Questions? See Mrs. Stovall in R212
29 days ago, Shawna Evans
Cap and Gown
The Henderson Fire Dept. will have a table set up outside the cafeteria tomorrow Friday, 10/4 during lunches for anyone who would like information regarding a fire/science career pathway.
29 days ago, Shawna Evans
It is True! On high attendance day, HCHS had the highest attendance of the secondary schools in Henderson Co., which means tomorrow, 10/4/24, is a Pajama Day Reward! Way to Go Colonels!
29 days ago, Shawna Evans
PJ Day
FCCLA students- Don't forget to bring in your FCCLA field trip permission form and money by next Wednesday, October 2nd if you want to go on our fall field trip on October 18th!
about 1 month ago, Shawna Evans