CTE Homepage
Students at Henderson County High School have the opportunity to participate in Career and Technical Education. Career and Technical Education is a blend of highly technical and rigorous academic instruction that aligns with a student’s Career Pathway. CTE courses provide relevant instruction that place an emphasis on 21st century skills, and a blend of technical and academic knowledge that prepare students to become college and career ready.
The Henderson County High School Career and Technical Education (CTE) Unit is one of the largest single CTE programs in the state of Kentucky. Students at HCHS have the opportunity to pursue a career major in one or more of the 16 nationally recognized Career Clusters.
The HCHS CTE Unit offers a program of study in the following Career Pathways: Agriculture, Automotive Technology, Business, Construction Technology, Criminal Law, Culinary Arts, Early Childhood Education, Health Sciences, Information Technology, Machine Tool Technology, Marketing, Pre-Engineering, Visual Communications/Multimedia Technology, and Welding Technology. Learn more about each program by exploring the “Program Areas” section of our website above.